
Is Mira the Google of the beauty world?

Beauty buffs who frequently find themselves opening multiple tabs in the name of online research may have found the answer to their prayers, in a newly-launched search engine called Mira.

The extensive search engine has been specifically designed to empower users to find beauty products that meet their needs, with the aim of championing transparency and inclusivity in the industry.

“We like to think of Mira as the world’s most knowledgeable beauty insider in your pocket,” said Jay Hack, CEO and Co-Founder of Mira, who set up the platform alongside fellow Stanford graduate Brandon Garcia. “It allows users to ask any beauty question on their mind and receive answers from real consumers with diverse backgrounds, taking them from beauty consumer to beauty connoisseur.”

Mira – which is now available as a free mobile app for iOS and in beta on www.askmira.com – lets users compare multiple beauty products, assess their ingredients, access millions of customer reviews and click through to purchase what they want from a selection of retailers, with price comparisons. They can also use the platform to ask for advice or get product recommendations from users with similar skin types, skin tones, and aesthetic preferences. Answering questions and posting reviews and feedback is encouraged, as user input will help to grow the Mira community.

The move is the latest example of how the beauty world is increasingly harnessing tech to engage with consumers. Earlier this year, the developer Perfect Corp announced plans to unveil “YouCam for Web”, a self-service subscription designed for small and medium businesses looking to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) beauty technology to let shoppers virtually try out beauty products online. – AFP Relaxnews

Source: TheStar